Prevention is better than the cure...

Some of you may be wondering why i'm using 'youth restoring serum' when I'm only 25... truth is, our skin is steadily declining in elasticity and firmness from our mid twenties so really, I should have been on the ball long before now! I have dabbled with using anti-ageing lotions and potions specifically for younger skin before but never really stuck to any routine where I used them daily. They can often be too heavy and oily as quite a lot are for mature skin which is lacking in moisture but at my age, I just need something to help prevent wrinkles and keep my skin feeling soft and supple.
I would have never thought of using Elizabeth Arden's ceramide capsules if it wasn't for having one of the cosmetic assistant's in John Lewis catch me as I walked by and got me to try one on the back of my hand. I was dubious, as the serum was squeezed out it looked slick and greasy but after massaging in and leaving for a few minutes, it had literally sank straight into my skin with no tacky/oily residue!

I really was dumfounded, nothing in the title even hints at it being suitable for younger skin but this was a product that would really work for me, so not long after I found a bargainous deal on and decided to implement the capsules into my daily skincare routine.My skin feels so soft and totally nurtured after applying, they really are my favourite anti ageing serum so far. Each capsule has enough for one application for face and décolletage - the only downside for me as I don;t particularly like using creams or serums on my neck area so each capsule has just a little too much in it for me. The capsules look so luxe and are quite novel, a little more fussy than having it ready to squeeze out of a tube for example but I like them. They can be a bit fiddly to open if you rip the teat too low it could spill out if you're not careful. The lid on the tube doesn't stay put very well either so i've had lots of capsules scattering all over my floor and makeup bag whilst carting them around (too risky to just carry one around in case it gets squished!) but maybe it was just my jar that's kaput.